Interactive TV Subscriber Management Systems can:
(Updated in 2011)
* Provide Interactive TV software applications and related customization/integration services
* Aid in subscriber acquisition, provisioning and management software for broadband service providers
* Help with subscriber management and billing solutions for the telecommunications industry
* Develop and market digital conditional access and other communication technologies
* Develop interactive TV solutions by adding value to entertainment
* Selling network, server and storage solutions
* Providing conditional access technology for digital content
* Provide integrated customer care and billing services
* Develop customer care and billing solutions for the convergent communications industry
* Design broadcasting, networking, telecommunications and new media
* Create customer management and open billing solutions to the communications and utility industries
* Develop subscriber management and billing solutions for telecommunications and cable TV
* Create technology to facilitate wholesale and
retail billing arrangements for both content and network services
* Develop affordable Windows/SQL billing, subscriber management and PPV software
* Sell television station automation-end to end broadcast solutions
* Design content management and delivery platforms for PCs and TVs
* Be a developer of tools for delivering and measuring streaming media applications
* Specialize in broadcast management solutions
* Be used in conjunction with digital satellite television viewing
* Be used in conjunction with digital TV, audio and broadband Internet
* Be used in conjunction with smart card security
* Be used in conjunction with Interactive Television integration software and platforms
* Be used in conjunction with Internet TV digital media management and content distribution services
* Be used in conjunction with conditional access, copy protection, storage and set top boxes
* Be used to help design broadcast subscriber management in video libraries
* Be used in conjunction with courier software and databases solutions
* Be used in conjunction with customer care and
billing software solutions for the telecommunications industry
* Be utilized in many cable TV operations throughout Canada, the United States, Latin America and Europe
* Be part of operations support systems and business
support systems solutions in interactive digital television systems
* Be part of 4G Internet and broadband systems
* Be used in conjunction with next-generation full service VDSL
* Be used by digital content aggregators, programmers, distributors and asset managers
* Be set up as part of interactive Cable and satellite TV
* Be used by debt recovery service providers for the cable industry
* Be used by collections companies specializing in the CATV industry
* Be used by CATV call centers with IVR, CTI, Web response and critical messaging capabilities
* Be part of customer contact solutions.