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TV Mosaics & Personalized Multiple-camera Angles
 (Last updated in 2012)

Channel Browsers

Channel Mix

F1 Digital+

FascinatE project (The)

Interactive Sports Mix Channel - See Mosaic.

Mix Channels - See 

Mosaic (TV) - Multi-screen Display, Multiscreen, Channel Mix, Mosaic. Associated with Sports Mix Channel, Interactive Sports Mix Channel.) - A collection of elements (often channels) displayed on a single TV screen. These could offer interactivity in the form of virtual or enhanced iTV channels. These applications can be customizable by the user. Mailing List include picture in picture feeds where several live minimized channel feeds are offered on a single screen to watch simultaneously. This Interactive Video Mosaic from Aptiv Digital is an example. The BBC offered multi-screen display at the 2006 Winter Olympics: SimulCam. DirecTV offered it as part of 2006 March Madness. (MEGA MARCH MADNESS™ Game Mix).

Multi-screen Display - See Mosaic.

Multivision - First attempt at Picture-in-picture TV.

Now and Next

Sports Mix Channel - Also see Mosaic.

Personalized Multiple-camera AnglesMosaics (TV), Multi-screen Display, Multiscreen, Channel Mix, Mosaic. Associated with Sports Mix Channel, Interactive Sports Mix Channel, Interactive Sports, Personalized Multiple-camera Angles, Point-of-view, Interactive P.O.V., Multiple-camera Angles, Multiple Camera Angle Control, Multi-perspective Interactive Program {MPIP}, Individualized Television, Interactive Multi-camera-angle Sporting Events, Multi-Camera Interactivity, Multi-angle TV, Multiple-streaming.)

(1) When your network operator (cable, satellite telco, etc.) lets you choose which camera angle to watch through. Sporting events offer POV the most. Typically you choose the camera angle by first simultaneously viewing a number of different video feeds in the form of picture-in-picture. Wide-angle shots and/or close-ups might be offered.

Mailing List:

* Cablevision's (former) 'Interactive Optimum'
* OpenTV offered this service for More Than 20 Million World Cup Fans.
* DirecTV Latin America deployed 23 cameras to shoot a single soccer game in the World Cup (2002) to offer this.
(2) Deciding over a network, such as the Internet, which camera angle you want to watch through. May be used for security or eavesdropping. Video Home Surveillance

More Related Terms

Multi-Perspective Interactive Program

P.O.V. - Also an entity that offers independent non-fiction films.