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Pay Per View
(Last updated in 2012)

Pay Per View - (PPV) - (May also be known as Pay TV. Associated terms include Impulse Pay Per View, Pre-booked PPV & Pay Per Channel.) - Offering television broadcasts to viewers in a manner that they can pay just for the programs they watch rather than having to subscribe to the whole channel or station on a full-time basis. PPV is often used for the broadcasting of boxing matches either on conventional Pay TV, or to a lesser extent in cinemas. Interactive Television has increased activities associated with Pay Per View. 

Enhanced PPV – Pay Per View programming that starts every 30 minutes (or whatever regular time period the content provider/network operator decides on.)

Impulse Pay-Per-View - (IPPV) - The ability to order pay-per-view programming without having to phone in your order to the content provider.

Pay-per-no-view - Enables a user to cut out the worst scenes of a program.

Pay Per View VOD – (a.k.a. Transactional VOD) - The opposite of Subscription Video on Demand (SVOD).  Here the customer pays a single price for each individual VOD program or set of programs he/she sees. With SVOD, typically the subscriber pays a set amount (most often monthly,) for a set amount of VOD.

Pay-per-rent – Programming that you pay a price for the temporary use of. This can include Video on Demand and Pay Per View.

Pre-booked PPV - Where the subscriber signs up to watch a PPV show in advance by a substantial number of weeks or months.  Often this is a good way to get a discount.

VOD/PPV Content Aggregator – (VOD Aggregator, VOD Aggregation) – Collecting programming that will be offered as VOD and/or physically enhancing the underlying content/technology, with VOD and/or PPV. Often packaging, encoding, asset management and transport to video service providers is also (or partially) provided by the same entity. TVN Entertainment is an example.

Pay TV - Encrypted TV programs, which can only be accessed by subscribers, using smart cards. Generally Pay TV is distinguished into two categories:

1. Pay Per Channel: Customers subscribe on a monthly basis a package of TV-channels.
2. Pay Per View: Customers pay for viewing programs that include movies or sport events that they select individually from the TV channels. The smart card registers the access to the program in order to charge the customer for the selected
3. Pay-per-no-view - Enables a user to cut out the worst scenes of a program.