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Advertising using Interactive Television
(written in 2010)

October 14th, 2009 - Park Associates projects that by 2014, U.S. addressable, interactive TV advertising revenue will exceed $4 billion.

January 12, 2010 - Cablevision: "Interactive TV Ads Work Very Well".

February 26, 2010 - A joint ANA  and Forrester Research survey of more than 100 national advertisers, representing nearly $14 billion in measured media budgets found that 75% of respondents believe that interactive TV will be an effective source of lead generation.

The annual TV advertising marketplace in America is in the neighborhood of $70 billion.

Advertising using Interactive TV  - (iADs) - (May be known as i-ads, IADS, i-ADs, Interactive Ad units, iUnits, Targeted Interactive TV Advertising, Long-form Interactive Video Advertising, Interactive TV Telescoping Ads,  Telescoping Ads with Interactive TV, One-to-one Interactive TV Advertising, Red-button Interactive TV Advertising, Long-tail Interactive TV Advertising. Associated with Personalized Viewer-specific Content, Behavior-based Profiling, Addressable Advertising, Customized Advertising & Advertising Applications, Addressibility, "Speed Bumps", Addressable Advertising, Personalized TV Advertising, One-to-one Advertising, Personalized Advertising, Targeted Advertising, Interactive Advertising, Interactive Marketing.)

Commercials (and other advertisements) using Interactive Television typically offer isolated link areas (icons or text) which may be known as triggers, rollovers or hot spots. Customers with enabled TV systems have the option of viewing these enhancements along with the standard programming. Viewers can “click” on these links using a control device such as a remote control, keypad, mouse and/or wireless keyboard. Activation technologies include our fingers, (red button Interactive TV is an example,) interactive voice response (IVR) and the next generation "point and click" experience.

On-demand content is often associated with ads incorporating Interactive TV. Activation of a "link area" takes you to a longer advertisement about that product/service. This is called telescopic, long-form or long-tail advertising. Of course the viewer might be watching a program that offers a long-form ad but the people he/she's watching TV with don't also want to see that longer ad. He/she can instead save the ad (or link to the ad) in their TV system with a click of a button and easily view the ad later at his or her convenience.

Note, just because a TV ad is interactive doesn't automatically mean it's also targeted, though many are both.

TV advertisements incorporating interactivity give the network operator and advertiser a better idea of how many viewers are being impacted by the ad. During commercials viewers might leave the room, get on the phone, switch channels, etc. but if they interact with the ad it's clear that they saw the commercial (ad) and may well be interested.

Interactive, on-demand, long-form (telescoping) and targeted advertising could collectively become a billion dollar TV industry. Cable TV and IPTV providers in particular have big plans.

As a trend among DVR (digital video recorders) and Video on Demand users is to skip ads shown with programming, Interactive TV advertising (iADs) are seen as a counter to this revenue loss. In addition, interactive ads can get consumers more involved with programming if that's their wish. Getting consumers to watch iADs is becoming more pressing as DVRs and on-demand programming use increases. According to Jupiter Research, nearly half of U.S. households are expected to have DVR capacity by 2010.  (2010 DVR installations are expected to increase to 55 million households from 7 million in 2005.) Due to this increased penetration of DVRs and commercial “zapping” (bypassing or otherwise eliminating commercials) it's likely best that your TV spot be recognizable within five seconds of its viewing. Incorporate your logo/tagline prominently and for most of the commercial's duration so that even if viewers fast forward through your advertisement, at least they can see it was you!

Content-targeted Advertising

Contextual Advertising

Direct-response Interactive TV

Interactive request-for-information Ads (iRFI)

Targeted Advertising

Targeted Advertising Systems

Targeted T-coupons (T for Television)

Target Market (TV)

Untargeted Advertising

Various terms related to interactive television advertising Various Terms Related to Interactive Television Advertising

Ad Campaign Platform
Ad Contest
Ad Views
Addressable Advertising
Advanced Content
Advertising Application
Advertising-supported Video on Demand
Behavior-based Profiling
Call to Action
Coupons to TV delivery
Customized Advertising
Customized Content
Demand-driven Advertising
Expandable Interactive Television Commercials
Extended-form Ads & Promotions
Incentive Based Advertising
Interactive Advertising Platform
Interactive TV-based Retail
Interactive TV Branding
Interactive TV-supported Commercials
Linear TV

Long Form Advertisement
Long-format Commercials
Long-form Content
Long-tail Video
On-demand Interactive Advertising
One-to-one Advertising
Personalized Advertising
Press Red
Product Placement
Real Time Merchandizing
Soft Launch
Speed Bumps
Telescopicing Ads
Telescopic" on-demand PVR/VOD Advertising
Two-way Advertising
Untargeted Advertising
Value-added Services
Video on Demand-based Advertising System
Viewer-choice Driven Advertising
Viewer Participation in TV Programming
Virtual Advertising
Virtual {TV} Ads
Virtual Channels