
Businesses - Interactive TV
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Multi-Screen Interactive TV Solution
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Related Definitions
Interactive TV
Media Management businesses can:
Are created for
digital & interactive TV systems; designs/implements digital
broadcasting infrastructures
Be A leader in the revolutionary field of digital watermarking
Be a set-top box software developer
Be an interactive design agency.
Be developers of interactive streaming media technologies based on
Be used along with Set-top graphics technology
Be used by Interactive entertainment infrastructure software providers
Be used for creating graphics and multimedia authoring
Be used in relation to Digital Decoder Software
Be used in UK digital Teletext content portals
Can be used for data collection and distribution services for cable and
satellite operators
Can be used for image processing for TV
broadcasting/Internet/production studio/sports as well as advertising
Develop services & tools for interactive programming.
Develop software for viewer profiling and targeted advertising delivery
End-to-end digital broadcasting solutions
Have Integrated DRM and media solutions
Help media and entertainment companies reach broader markets with
digital distribution management
Offer end-to-end business solutions for ITV
Offer Interactive TV solutions and datacasting business; viewers
analysis tool
Offer Interactive TV Solutions: Adding Value to Entertainment
Offer IP Broadband Media, focusing on Video-on-Demand solutions in
streaming & download modes
Offer middleware, IPG, User Interfaces, application engines
Provide interactive TV Solutions: adding value to entertainment
Sell Copy protection and digital rights management technologies
Take the form of interactive TV software applications and related
customization/integration services
Take the form of products range from satellite boxes to interactive
cable gateways.
