WebTV for Windows - WebTV for Windows is a Microsoft enhanced TV application that is often considered more of an Interactive Program Guide. It's quite different from MSNTV. WebTV for Windows is a part of the Windows 98 operating system and Windows 2000. You'll have to have WebTV for Windows installed as part of your Windows operating system. Windows Media Center is meant to supersede WebTV for Windows.
WebTV for Windows enables users to watch television through their computer.  It also allows interactive TV activity on various television channels. WebTV for Windows uses ActiveX to display conventional television programming and an HTML browser to present interactive content for interactive shows.

To add Web TV for Windows to your PC you need: Windows 98 or 2000, and WebTV for Windows installed on your computer (again it's part of Windows 98 & 2000 and available off your Windows 98 or 2000 CD,) a TV hook-up and a TV tuner card.

1. Get a TV tuner card that's compatible with WebTV for Windows.  Of course you will need to install it or get it installed.

2. Now connect a standard coaxial cable from your cable TV (or other) outlet to the TV tuner card's rear (which is outside of the computer.)  To get the TV sound to come through your PC speakers you may need to use an adapter to connect your TV tuner card output to your speaker's input line(s). Concerning this, see the manual that came with your TV tuner card.

3. You'll now need to set up WebTV for Windows.  Before you click on the "On" button, scan for the channels in your area that you can utilize your WebTV for Windows with.

To scan for channels, start WebTV for Windows, click on the Start menu, click on Programs, click on Accessories, click on Entertainment, and then click on WebTV for Windows.

More info on it is at www.microsoft.com. Type in the search function, “Web TV for Windows.” (Please note, this definition was written in 2000.)

Analog-to-digital Converter

Digital Media Adapter

Digital Media Hub - definition

Extended Wireless PC Initiative

Home Media Server 
(Home Server)

Intel Intercast

Media Center

Media Center Extender

Media Converters

Window Media Center