Device - (TV Capable
Entertainment Devices, TV capable console, Digital TV Capable Device)
- A TV-capable
Device is an
electronic device capable of delivering and displaying TV
programming to a user. These include standard televisions, desktop
computers, mobile phones with video display
capability, laptop computers, netbook computers and video i-Pods.
These are necessary in part because there is a shift from the standard model of television to a multi-stream, multiplatform, and often internet-optimized model of TV viewing. Consumers have developed the desire for digitized entertainment that complements the static activity of television viewing, such as social networking, interactive advertising, streaming video, chatting and advanced forms of gaming. Cross-carrier Mobile-phone Voting Application History of Interactive Television Interactive Program Guides and Electronic Program Guides Interactive Television using Mobile TV and SMS Interactive TV Services for Wireless Devices List of Interactive TV Convergence Technology Businesses List of Interactive TV Equipment Providers Mobile Commerce - (M-commerce) Mobile Handset Picture Telephone (Picturephone) |