Nonlinear Networks - (non-linear) - TV networks, such as Video on Demand networks, that don't offer the traditional Linear TV. This can include Internet television networks and networks using other forms of new media. 

Nonlinear TV

Always-on - (Switched-on TV, Always-switched-on-TV)

Anytime TV

TV-Anytime Forum

Appointment TV - Appointment TV assumes that people will tune in at the same time every day or week to personally watch their favorite shows. But the DVR and video on demand generation demands "anytime" TV, whereas you can watch the program when you want to. Video on Demand and Digital Video Recorders and VCRs have made that a reality. Appointment TV is the opposite of non-linear TV.

Linear TV

Linear to On-demand - (Linear-to-on-demand) - TV links are made available for the viewer to activate with their remote control device. Via these, viewers are able to access on-demand content, often in the form of advertisements, or merchandise for sale.

Interactive TV Links

On-demand TV