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Popular Types of Broadband
(Last updated in 2012)

There are so many options available to the public these days when it comes to the internet. Many internet service providers are on the market and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Different types of broadband include wired and wireless connections. Some main options are: DSL, cable modem, leased lines (T1), Fiber Optic Cable, Broadband over power line, Satellite, Fixed wireless, Wi-Fi and WiMAX.

Which broadband is right for one individual depends mainly on the purpose of use. Different factors, such as speed, cost and reason for use such as business or residential come into affect. Prices are based on the provider in question.

DSL, Cable modems and Wi-Fi seem to be the most popular current options in North America. Many areas within big cities offer a Wi-Fi connection to those trying to connect wirelessly by simply having the up-to-date software within their personal computers.

The internet has been around for more than ten years now, and it is really taking a fundamental role in most households. Since internet is such an essential part of almost everyone’s life, a lot of people are looking for faster, more efficient and cheaper ways to use the internet. Older fashioned dial-up is quickly being replaced by many types of broadband.

Using broadband not only provides a faster internet connection, it keeps the phone line free! Many broadband providers have come into place over the years offering the same broadband but with insignificant differences as technology has developed. To really pick what is best, understanding the differences in each type of service is the best course of action. Which broadband provider is best for you, this way you can make an informed choice.

Broadband - (Sometimes known as High-speed Data or Wideband.)

The opposite of broadband is narrowband.

More content can be crammed through a broadband pipe with advanced video compression, switched broadcast and node splitting.

Alternative broadband access technologies include Cable, variations of DSL, Satellite Broadband, Fiber-to-the-Home, Powerline Broadband and Fixed Wireless Service.